What is going to be the long term impact of deforestation?

Team Veye | 05-Aug-2019 long term impact of deforestation

The impact of deforestation on the environment and ecosystems includes loss of biodiversity and a decline in soil fertility. The loss of trees and other vegetation can cause climate change, desertification, soil erosion, fewer crops, flooding, increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and a host of problems for indigenous people.

Causes of deforestation and forest degradation include conversion of forests for other land uses, including pulp, palm, and soy plantations, pastures, settlements, roads and infrastructure and most of it mining. The impact of mining on tropical forests is growing due to rising demand and high mineral prices.

In addition to destroying native wildlife, it is the major cause of salinity and causes around 14% of Australia's greenhouse gas emissions. Loss of habitat can lead to species extinction. It also has negative consequences for medicinal research and local populations that rely on the animals and plants in the forests for hunting and medicine. Trees are important to the water cycle

Australia has 3.6 million hectares of the Rainforest native forest type, which is 3 percent of Australia's total native forest area. Australia's rainforests are typically characterised by high rainfall, lush growth, and closed canopies. Australia has lost 25% rainforest, 45% of open forest, 32% woodland forest and 30% of mallee forest in 200 years. The effect of these changes has been considerable.

Australia has lost a high percentage of its forests and some of the remaining forests are fragmented. Most of Australia's forests are in the coastal regions with much of the rest of the continent covered by deserts and dry land. The Australian coastal regions are the most fertile, and since colonial times, the coastal forests were cleared mostly for agricultural use. Australia is a forest-poor country and extensive efforts are required to stop the ecological impact of deforestation.

Ecological disturbance, such as fire or destruction of vegetation by overgrazing, can lead to the replacement of native grass species by weedy introduced non-native species. Australian Aborigines set grassland fires to maintain the grassland environment. The tendency toward fire suppression in modern agricultural practice affects the health of some types of temperate grasslands.

Australia is among the worst 11 countries for deforestation, according to WWF. And the state with the highest rate of land clearing in Queensland. In that state, in 2015-16, about 395,000 hectares of native vegetation was cleared. 

It is high time that we seriously find ways to stop deforestation. The most common ways to stop deforestation like Plant a tree, Go paperless, Recycle and buy recycled products, Eat vegetarian meals as often as possible should be voluntarily and widely implemented.


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