Nanosonics Ltd (ASX:NAN)

Company's Profile

Nanosonics Limited is an Australia-based disinfection technology company. The Company's principal activities include manufacturing and distribution of the trophon ultrasound probe disinfector and its associated consumables and accessories. The Company is focused on research, development and commercialization of infection control and decontamination products and related technologies. Trophon technology includes high-frequency ultrasonic vibrations that generates sonically activated hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) mist that kills bacteria, fungi, and viruses. The Company's products include trophon2, Nanosonics Auditpro, and trophon electron paramagnetic resonance (ERP). trophon2 includes AcuTrace radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, which enables digital record keeping and captures disinfection data. Nanosonics Auditpro provides real-time intelligence on ultrasound probes, operators, and infection control events to manage infection prevention practices across organizations.